I’ve been a little shy

I adore writing this blog, I find it such a lovely outlet and a really great way to log our adventures. I have this absolutely unrealistic view in my mind that fast-forward 100 years from now I’ll be long gone, and my great-grandchildren will sit down in front of some far-advanced-technology and perform a search on me, said great-grandmother. They’ll stumble across this awkwardly written blog and instantly feel a sense of attachment; their sense of wonderment will be fulfilled when reading all about my random thoughts or our wonderful adventures. 

Ha ha yep, that is probably exactly how it won’t pan out…BUT, without this weird romantic notion, I may not have found the courage to start writing. Hilarious really!

We have recently explored our little part of the world with a few adventures, but I have not detailed them here – mostly because I love reading blog-pieces that include photos, and assume you (hello all 5 readers I regularly have…sisters, sister-in-laws, potentially brother and probably me…HI!!!) all like the same. And, sadly I took no photos whilst adventuring. The fact is, MY PHONE MEMORY IS FULL. This is THE worst #firstworldproblem I could possibly have -as without photographic evidence, how ever will I remember what has occurred? The sad thing is, I’m not even joking. Someone at work will say to me on a Monday “How was your weekend”? and I blank. I stand there and I seriously cannot remember what occurred only less than 24 hours earlier. The rush of a Sunday evening get-everything-ready-for-the-week/Monday morning get-out-of-the-house-with-two-kids-by-7.03am is enough to delete my short term memory cache. So, seriously, if I can’t re-live my experiences through the photographic evidence from the adventure, I can’t remember all the glorious funness. 

I also really like pondering a topic that has been working its way through my mind, but as I’ve not had a camera to take a random picture to give the piece a little randomness or relevance, I haven’t been typing these either. 

I’m realising that I’ve missed writing regularly and I’ve just today decided to do something about it…

1. Tonight, I am going sync my phone and remove all unecessary photos (which will prbably be none, as I love showing the kidlets to everyone, and of course a picture from 6 months ago is completely relevant…yep, I’m that annoying parent in your workplace) to free up some space. Apparently 7 GB of video and 8.64 GB of pictures is too many. Geeeeez.

2. I’m going to undertake an Australian Writers Centre course on blogging to hopefully gain some more tips on brainstorming and shaping content. I have a few things I want to do with this little site, and hopefully the online course will give me a little nudge in the right direction. 

Anyway, Hey – hello, I’m still here and always thinking of content…now I just need to find me some pics to keep the words coming. 

Happy Monday x

PS. The weekend just finished consisted of some epic adventures, including a camping trip with Giggles Magoo and his 3 besties and their families. Was ace! If you’re after an easy camping option, I would definitely recommend Blackheath Glen in the Blackheath, NSW (at the top of the beautiful Blue Mountains). An example of my piece above is I didn’t get any pics…BORING. So instead, here is a picture from almost exactly 12 months ago… my hair colour is different, my nose is pierced, I have a further years wisdom under my belt and the boys have grown up sooooo much since this was taken. Still use the coffee shop just as much though 😛

3 thoughts on “I’ve been a little shy

  1. Love reading your blog! My heart skipped a beat when I read “… my nose is pierced. ” I’m turning 40 soon, and think maybe I’m going through a MLC (mid-life crisis)! I’ve secretly wanted a nose piercing, but my obsession began at age 15, for the first time seeing my best friend, Reena, an East Indian girl with a tiny ruby in her nose. She went with her parents home to India, and came back to school in the fall with that glorious little pierced nose. Needless to say she was the envy of all the girls in my class! Soon thereafter, she came to school with a small gold ring in her nose and I seriously considered piercing my nose and asking for forgiveness from my mother afterwards. I wasn’t ready to move out, so I held up.
    Recently I’ve starting thinking about having my nose pierced AGAIN. I’ve always admired other women with cute little nose studs and little nose rings and now I confess to having a “little nose ring envy” of you having it done. I’ve put my dream on hold for many years, and just can’t seem to muster the courage. Would love to hear how you had yours done and ask a few questions before taking the plunge to help me decide to go have it done.


    • Thanks for the read and comment Angie! I did it on such a whim they I hadn’t even planned which side of the noise to get the piercing on 🤣 it’s something that I’m still pleased to have done, 1 year on. I found a local piercer that came recommended and just showed up. Good luck with your decision, but I’m sure you won’t regret it either way


  2. Thanks for your input and supportive thoughts. Am a bit of a people pleaser so have to confess I worry what others might think.I think maybe I’m going through a MLC (mid-life crisis)!

    Recently I’ve starting thinking about having my nose pierced AGAIN. I’ve always admired other women with cute little nose studs and little nose rings and now I confess to having a “little nose ring envy” of you having it done especially doing it on a whim! Wow!

    Would love to hear your story and ask a few questions before leaning over the fence deciding to have it done.



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