Taking the Opportunity

Oh hi there! Today is a day I’ve been waiting for, for a long time… are you ready for the explanatory note on why? Make sure you’re ready, make sure you’re ready… it is terribly exciting. Are you ready? Well, here we go: so, today, I caught the train to work! I’m back on the commute! Well, sort of. Sometimes. Ahemmmmm, well, today only actually. Queue the cough*cough.

And, “why is this interesting?” I hear you ask. Well, friend, allow me to divulge… this news means I have some commuting time – I can sit still (yes! I got a seat), trying not to touch or make eye contact with anyone, and in complete anonymity. These sometimes beautiful things mean I can take the opportunity and write a little! Better yet, there is some sort of delay! Joy! More writing time! Life’s myriad of competing demands means that I rarely find this time. So today, I am celebrating the commute, even the annoyance of a slight, unexplained delay cannot dull my shine.

Aside from the joy I derive from writing about nothing, I also find some kind of joy in being a faceless member of the public transport commuting crowd. There is a lot of adult responsibility I find myself bouncing to and fro, attempting to always do the right thing/be the right person. And don’t get me wrong, I love it most days – and yet, to find these precious moments where I am un-needed by anyone feel like the biggest gift.

So maybe the shine has worn off slightly, with a train announcement just signalling I am going to be here a while due to a “technical issues”. Those my friends, are two words no one ever wants to hear about the mode of transport that is hurtling them at speed.

Anyway, whatever your redeeming and inane joyous moment is, I hope you are able to indulge and really lean in. Enjoy your Thursday x

PS. There are some truly horrific events happening around the world this week, and some very big questions to be answered here in Australia that have many people with broken hearts. I see you. I want to hug you. and Yes, I want you to be supported so you too can find a moment.

PPS. Update to my train situ: the train has been terminated mid-tracks. Here is me a few weeks ago, at a much more peaceful adventure (that did not involve alighting a train onto the tracks!)

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